Shot of young woman with back pain sitting on the sofa in the living room at home.

Are you struggling with stress and overwhelm?

Now is the time to take the next right step on your journey for a calm purposeful life.

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Shot of tired business woman with back pain looking uncomfortable while working from home on laptop.

Allow me to help you unravel the root causes of stress and overwhelm so you can reclaim your life.

Together we will embark on a journey to:

Feeling Like You’re Drowning in Stress? You’re Not Alone.

Ever feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, and even the smallest tasks seem overwhelming? You’re not alone. Millions of women struggle with constant stress and overwhelm, making it hard to find peace and enjoy life.

The Hidden Culprit: Stress can be a sneaky villain. While you might not realize it, constant stress can actually overload your nervous system. This can make you feel even more overwhelmed, anxious, and drained of energy.

It’s All Connected: When you’re stressed and overwhelmed, it can impact your entire well-being. You might experience difficulty sleeping, trouble concentrating, or even physical symptoms like headaches or stomachaches.

The Good News! There’s hope! There are powerful tools and techniques to manage stress and overwhelm. By taking control of your stress, you can find peace, improve your overall health, and rediscover your inner strength.

Sharada Devi

Certified Transformational Life Coach

From Overwhelm to Empowerment: My Journey and Your Path Forward

Anxiety and depression started for me in childhood, and a physical injury in my twenties intensified the feelings of being trapped in a cycle of overwhelming emotional and physical pain. For years, I searched for relief. The answer came when I discovered the power of the mind-body connection. Deep yoga practice, coupled with the latest insights from neuroscience, became the key to my healing.

Today, I’m a certified transformational life coach, HeartMath practitioner, advanced yoga instructor, and your guide on the path to well-being. My 3 decades-long healing journey has equipped me with diverse tools. I’m a Reiki Moma, certified in  NLP, hypnosis and spiritual healing practices. This allows me to create personalized pathways out of stress, overwhelm, and pain for each clients. Let’s work together to calm your nervous system, manage stress, and rediscover a deep mind-body connection. You can break free from stress overwhelm, and pain. You can build a life filled with peace and empowerment and I would be delighted to guide you on your journey for greater joy and success in life. 

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If you are interested in a holistic mind-body approach for resolving chronic pain I invite you to join my private Facebook community Pathways Out of Pain. This is a safe space where you will get resources and support from others walking the path of pain freedom.

Sharada Devi ​- Certified Transformational Life Coach

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Pathways Out of Pain

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2 mos. ago
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Thank you so much. This really helped me to regulate and ground into my heart as I was getting ready for work. I allowed myself to follow your flow as I flowed into my day. I feel so grateful for you as I list the things I am Grateful for today .
3 mos. ago
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Pretty ultimate and miraculous timing to land your ultra-transformative gift in healing. I've been experiencing multiple levels of breakthroughs in every area of life - on subtle and not so subtle planes thanks to on line sessions provided through a variety of gifted hypnosis, affirmation and meditative sessions. Yours just sent me sky-high - Thank You!!! Beyond words for the experience. I'm grateful for you choice to use your voice in this way to do this work - especially - helping those who live with chronic pain. I feel so blessed in the timing. The Universe has such Magical Ways. BlisSings and BlesSings to You!!
4 mos. ago
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Hey...thanks for this great meditation video. I don't normally comment, however for you I wanted to let you know that you have an exceptional voice for these types of videos. I've been struggling with some nasty anxiety/panic attacks and insomnia(and ghost pains) and have been watching these types of videos everyday now for about a year....this is the only one I have made a comment on, because I want you to know how great and soothing your voice is....don't stop....please....keep going....you can do it! You can be a million subscriber channel....with that voice!!!....you bet!!! you go girl!!!!! Much LOVE xooo
Thank you, your meditations are beautiful and very soothing and helpful…
-Youtube User
Beautyful! Peaceful! Heartfelt! Thank you!
-Youtube User
Beautiful and very relaxing meditation. Thank you from my heart ♥️♥️♥️
-Youtube User

Sharada helped me get over stage fright. I used to freeze when put on the spot be it in interviews, meetings or presentations. In one session I made significant progress. Working through her system not only helped me become much more confident, but I was also able to resolve chronic breathing issues that were undermining my health as well as chronic knee and hip pain. With my increased health and confidence I just cracked an interview, and landed a great new job. For anything that makes you struggle in life you deserve and need support to help you overcome it. I highly recommend working with Sharada. Thank you Sharada for helping me overcome my fear.

KB Duluth, GA

Sharada is a wonderful coach! During a high stress period -- when I was dealing with everything from health and work concerns, that caused me to go days with no sleep at all– Her techniques helped me calm my overwhelmed nervous system so that I could fall asleep and get back to sleep if I woke during the night. Now I am able to get a full night of deep restful sleep. Sharada's knowledge, insight, willingness to be vulnerable, courage, and sense of fun were all immensely valuable. You’ll love working with her!

WB Durham,NH

Sharada is an amazing coach. She helped me transform a traumatic childhood experience into an empowering memory. Not only is she an Eutaptics expert, but she was also able to apply her knowledge of spirituality and brain science to help me grow both spiritually and mentally. 

LB Atlanta, GA

Sharada Devi led my session with compassion and kindness. Her guidance, both before and after, helped me overcome anxieties that I had carried since childhood. It's clear that her intuition is a gift for her clients. I treasure the lessons and insights she passed to me during our work together.

LH Athens, GA

Sharada helped me reframe a traumatic experience I had in my early 20s. She allowed me to express everything I felt, and to reframe the event so that I could change my thoughts. Her patience and kind energy made me feel comfortable enough to shed all my tears. Now I can think about the event without any negative emotions. I would highly recommend Sharada for Any Emotional issues you need to deal with.

BE Tucker, GA

Sharada listens intently, without judgment, and holds you to task (as the work is yours to do!), but with a gentleness and kindness that draws you into the process and supports you every step of the way. She works with you to identify simple things, things that you can implement immediately, that have you living aligned with your purpose straight away.

GJ Atlanta, GA

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Many that struggle with chronic pain struggle to get the restful sleep their bodies need.  The GOOD NEWS is you can adopt habits that encourage better sleep.  Start with these simple tips.

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Yes, You Can Change!

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Many that struggle with chronic pain struggle to get the restful sleep their bodies need.  The GOOD NEWS is you can adopt habits that encourage better sleep.  Start with these simple tips.

We will add you to our email distribution for updates and more helpful transformative tools to change your life.

Yes, You Can Change!

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